Buffy - The Vampire Slayer - Season Two *Importado* *6 DVDs + Luva*

Buffy - The Vampire Slayer - Season Two *Importado* *6 DVDs + Luva*

Artista / BandaSarah Michelle Gellar - Seth Green - Alyson Hannigan - Anthony Stewart Head - Charisma Carpenter

Gravadora:  Fox

Ano:  2006

Conservação da Capa:  Ótimo Estado

Conservação do CDÓtimo Estado

Região:  Região 1

Idioma:  Inglês, Espanhol, Francês

Duração:  990 minutos

Cor:  Colorido

Formato de Tela:  1.33:1

Legenda:  Inglês, Espanhol

Box:  6 DVDs



After her death at the hands of the master and a summer vacation spent with her father Buffy returns to Sunnydale in a stangely withdrawn and snappy mood. She's also determined to brek off her relationship with angel and seems a little too eager to renew her Slayer training. But getting Angel out of her blood proves to be harder than she toghut. And as the two draw even closer together their passion erupts into a danger neither of them cloud have foressen affecting not only vampire and Slayer, but all of buffy's friends and family, and even her Watcher...