The English Patient - Original Soundtrack *Importado*

The English Patient - Original Soundtrack *Importado*

Artista / BandaGabriel Yared

Gravadora:  Fantasy Records

Ano:  1996

Conservação da Capa:  Ótimo Estado

Conservação do CDÓtimo Estado

Nº de Faixas:  27



01- English Patient, The
02- Retreat, A
03- Rupert Bear
04- What Else Do You Love?
05- Why Picton?
06- Cheek to Cheek - Fred Astaire
07- Kip's Lights
08- Hana's Curse
09- I'll Always Go Back to That Church
10- Black Nights
11- Swoon, I'll Catch You
12- Am I K. In Your Book?
13- Let Me Come in!
14- Wang Wang Blues - Benny Goodman
15- Convento di Sant'anna
16- Herodotus
17- Szerelem, Szerelem - Muzsikás - (featuring Márta Sebestyen)
18- Ask Your Saint Who He's Killed
19- One O'Clock Jump - Benny Goodman
20- I'll Be Back
21- Let Me Tell You About Winds
22- Read Me to Sleep
23- Cave of Swimmers, The
24- Where or When - Shepheard's Hotel
25- Aria From the Goldberg Variations
26- Cheek to Cheek - Ella Fitzgerald
27 As Far as Florence