The Apostle - Music From and Inspired by the Motion Picture * Importado*

The Apostle - Music From and Inspired by the Motion Picture * Importado*

Artista / BandaVários

Ano:  1999

Conservação da Capa:  Ótimo Estado

Conservação do CDÓtimo Estado

Nº de Faixas:  13

Curiosidades:  Gravadora: Rising

20% off

De: R$ 50,00

por R$ 40,00


1. I Will Not Go Quietly - Steven Curtis Chapman
2. Two Coats - Patty Loveless
3. I'm A Soldier In The Army Of The Lord - Lyle Lovett
4. Softly & Tenderly - Rebecca Lynn Howard
5. There Is A River - Gaither Vocal Band
6. In The Garden - Johnny Cash
7. I Love To Tell The Story - Emmylou Harris, Robert Duvall
8. Waitin' On The Far Side Banks Of Jordan - Carter Family
9. Victory Is Mine - Sounds Of Blackness
10. There Is Power In The Blood - Lari White
11. There Ain't No Grave (Gonna Hold My Body Down) - Russ Taff
12. I'll Fly Away - Gary Chapman, Wynonna
13. Softly & Tenderly (Reprise) - Dino Kartsonakis