James Horner - Clear And Present Danger - Music From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Perigo Real e Imediato

James Horner - Clear And Present Danger - Music From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Perigo Real e Imediato

Artista / BandaJames Horner

Ano:  1994

Conservação da Capa:  Ótimo Estado

Conservação do CDÓtimo Estado

Nº de Faixas:  10

Curiosidades:  Gravadora: Paramount

20% off

De: R$ 29,00

por R$ 23,20


1. Main Title / A Clear And Present Danger
2. Operation Reciprocity
3. The Ambush
4. The Laser-Guided Missile
5. Looking For Clues
6. Deleting The Evidence
7. Greer's Funeral / Betrayal
8. Escobedo's New Friend
9. Second Hand Copter
10. Truth Needs A Soldier / End Title