Salako - Musicality

Salako - Musicality

Artista / BandaSalako

Gravadora:  Trama

Ano:  1999

Conservação da Capa:  Ótimo Estado

Conservação do CDÓtimo Estado

Nº de Faixas:  17

20% off

De: R$ 19,00

por R$ 15,20


1. Bird and the Bag
2. Green Is the Colour of Evil
3. Come! Follow Me
4. Truth in Me
5. Cloning of Fudadeg Ulag
6. Arts and Crafts
7. Devil's Feet Lullaby
8. Look Left
9. Look Right
10. Maybe We Will Find the Divine Cult
11. Do It Yourself
12. Waiting and Thinking
13. Bedtime Astronomy
14. Finger Exercise No. 1
15. Cult of Winter
16. I'll Be There (When You're Down)
17. Magicality