Pizzicato Five - Remix Album - Happy End Of You

Pizzicato Five - Remix Album - Happy End Of You

Artista / BandaPizzicato Five

Gravadora:  Trama

Ano:  2000

Conservação da Capa:  Ótimo Estado

Conservação do CDÓtimo Estado

Nº de Faixas:  13

20% off

De: R$ 15,00

por R$ 12,00


1. Love's Theme (Automator Mix)
2. Trailer Music (808 State Remix)
3. The Earth Goes Around (Daddy-O Half Mix)
4. Porno 3003 (DJ Dara Remix)
5. Porno 3003 (GusGus Mix 2.0 Edit)
6. My Baby Portable Player Sound (High Llamas Remix)
7. Happy Ending (If Then Else Mix)
8. It's A Beautiful Day (The B-Day Arrangement)
9. Love's Theme (Saint Etienne Mix)
10. Trailer Music (Ram Tam Tush Mix)
11. Collision And Improvisation (The Shooter Remix)
12. Contact (Dimitri's Old Skool Flava)
13. The World Is Spinning At 45 RPM (Sunroof Mix Edit)