The Very Best of Henry Mancini - Midnight Moonlight & Magic

The Very Best of Henry Mancini - Midnight Moonlight & Magic

Artista / BandaHenry Mancini

Gravadora:  BMG Music Group

Ano:  2004

Conservação da Capa:  Bom Estado

Conservação do CDÓtimo Estado

Nº de Faixas:  23

Curiosidades:  Pequena etiqueta colada na capa



1 - The pink panther theme
2 - Moon river
3 - Baby elephant walk
4 - The sweetheart tree
5 - In the arms of love
6 - Peter gunn
7 - Days of wine and roses
8 - Charade
9 - The inspector clouseau theme
10 - Darling lili
11 - Two for road
12 - Candelight on crystal
13 - Dear heart
14 - Mr lucky
15 - Theme from 'Cade`s Country'
16 - Whisting away the dark
17 - Pie-in-the-face polka
18 - Dreamsville
19 - It had better be tonight
20 - Nothing to lose
21 - Frish frosh
22 - Mystery movie theme
23 - Love theme from Romeo and Juliet