Blueline Medic, Midtown, The Movielife, Secondbest - New.Old.Rare *Importado*

Blueline Medic, Midtown, The Movielife, Secondbest - New.Old.Rare *Importado*

Artista / BandaBlueline Medic, Midtown, The Movielife, Secondbest

Ano:  2002

Conservação da Capa:  Ótimo Estado

Conservação do CDÓtimo Estado

Nº de Faixas:  12

Curiosidades:  Gravadora: Redline Records

20% off

De: R$ 30,00

por R$ 24,00


1 Blueline Medic- Precious Things
2 Midtown- Become What You Hate
3 The Movielife- Up To Me
4 Secondbest- Don't Look Back
5 Blueline Medic- Cathedral
6 Midtown- Just Rock And Roll
7 The Movielife- Once In A Row
8 Secondbest- Trapped In Me
9 Blueline Medic- They'll Let You Know
10 Midtown- Let Go
11 The Movielife- If Only Duct
12 Secondbest- New Direction